Compositions Organ Animal Parade for Organ Solo 1. Entrance 2. Giraffes 3. Barrel organ monkey 4. Hippopotamus 5. Critics 6. Blue whale 7. Sparrows 8. Penguins 9. Cheetah 10. Piranhas 11. Alley cats 12. Exit Aria for Organ Solo Bluesday for Organ Solo Fiesta! for Organ Solo 1. Celebration 2. Conversations 3. Stride Dance 4. Song 5. Fast Dance 6. Nocturne 7. Finale Free Wheeler for Organ Solo Heads Up for Organ Solo 1. Swing Around 2. Swag Rag 3. Sweep Steak Lay my burden down for Organ Solo 1. When I lay my burden down 2. Sometimes I feel like a motherless child 3. Amazing Grace 4. Steal Away 5. Every time I feel the spirit Live Wire for Organ Solo Off the Ground for Organ Solo Prelude on 'Gabriel's Message' for Organ Solo Prelude on the ‘Old 100th’ for Organ Solo Raggle Taggle Tunes for Organ Solo 1. Step Up 2. Lazarus Blues 3. Whirligig Jig Variation on 'Herrgott aus Sta' for Organ Solo Voices of the World for Organ Solo |